Wednesday, May 27, 2009


alhamdulillah..i got him back.he's the one that i love with my heart and you so much beby!!!mwax.mwax.mwax..cuecue love beby..congrats beby!!you got 3.67 in your exam..i love you..jadi doctor cuecue tau!!'s okay if you leave me now n pursue ur studies in indonesia...cuecue sentise syg biebie...janji kamu pulang ya!!kwang3..saye mao kawen kamu!!:p


huhu..sory ma'am..i dont mean to hurt you..i dont know why..

i know what have i done is very much harsh in your view..sory maam..i'm realy sorry.n'way i really love you as the one who has guided me here ..thanks a lot.. i try to appreciate you..sorry for every single thing..

n'way you still the one who has teached me a lot on my journey to my own destination.THANKS AND SORRY!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

huhu..with our baju batek made me so proud bcoz our college has came out with the greatest outfit..kwang3...

english language camp at hosba valley.jitra..kedah..with my petpet..waahh(lambatnye post..dah bzaman)

at sk hosba..really proud to be a teacher..i'm so happy when they called me as teacher...really love cute..(beby jgn jeles tau:p)

huhu..after language games i guess..hmmm have fun with it..okla..n'way congratz to the organizer!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

special tok awak..

awak..saye mintak maaf..saye btol2 sayang awak..tapi saye sdey..saye bukan selfish..tpi saye susah nk trime knyataan kalo awak pileh tu..saye terpakse putuskan hubungan kite..mmg kite dah janji nk bina hidup bersame tpi saye x mampu berpisah ngan awak lagi..cukupla untuk skejap je..tapi saye ttp akan sayngkan awak..kalo awk nk cri org len pon saye tpakse relakan..tu impian awak tok blayar keliling dunie..awak kate saye x de hak nak suarekan pendapat saye..awak xkan dgr ckp saye sdikit pon..saye pham..saye mmg x de hak..siapela saye kat hati awak..saye bukan selfish..sbab tu sye bnarkan awk penuhi impian awk tu..duet x penting bagi saye..yg penting saye x sanggop khilangan awk..saye wat seme ni tok kebaikan seme..sye takot mak ayah saye x dpt time impian awk bnarkan awk cri impian awk..tinggalkan saye..annggapla saye hanye mimpi awk je..saye bkn terbaek tok awk..ramai lagi pompuan yg lebih baek dari saye..elang saye x kalo awk elang impian awk ti awak akn mnyesal..sye doakan awk bjaye..smoga awak selamat pegi dan selamat pulang..saye ttp akn mencintai awak..

MOCK exam!!

may 18,2009:
>i got stuck wif phrasal into trouble..haha..
>the instructions given totally crazy..
>two hours only??not enough time to check evrything..

may 19,2009:
>i hate summary..damn to summarize without giving specific line??who set the questions???dont make my life miserable..
>i chose 'the most embarassing moment in ma' life for essay..
>some of us..not finished answering question..

may 20,2009:
>literature??huhu..for first part unseen poem,the workbox by thomas hardy.
>what i understood is 'bout a woman who has an affair with a young man called John. she didn't expect that her husband know 'bout it but one day her husband keep asking for da' do she know john..she try to give many possible reasons to her husband. her husband is described as loving person as he really cares about her wife and he wonders why her wife knows about the cause of John's death..(x tau la lerw btol tak..hehe..tu pendapat gue)..
>>essay part seemed okay jah but still little bit confused..
>>for inspector!!it's hard for me

may 21,2009:
>n'way alhamdulillah what i have read have come out!!
>for section A,I chose landslide..section B, QUESTION 3 ON ENVIRONMENTAL issues and question 4 on food in the context of cultural diffusion in Malaysia.
>>but then,,i still jawab mrapu-rapu...

as conclusion, i hope i can passsssss in this exam...saye mao fly pi UK!!!




orientation week..wearing baju batek yea bie..your hairstyle nicela..spiky!!