Sunday, November 29, 2009


during second day of hari raya aidiladha, my cousin got engaged with his boyfriend in my house. wow..she'sreally lucky ..when is my turn??i hope i 'll stay in love with biebie forever...of course i'll always love him..haha..but then how about him?is he really love me?? or look for another girlfriend out there?/oh no!!that's scary me a lot!!hey...i'll burn his house if he tried to get another woman!! year is our blissful time to get engage..just wait n the dream come true??ceyth..

misss my blog!! i'm coming back..really2 miss my blog..huhu...actually i forgot my,i asked biebie..he told me d same way..haha..finally this morning the password pop out!!!i have successfully sign in to my blog again..yeah..thank god..

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


alhamdulillah..i got him back.he's the one that i love with my heart and you so much beby!!!mwax.mwax.mwax..cuecue love beby..congrats beby!!you got 3.67 in your exam..i love you..jadi doctor cuecue tau!!'s okay if you leave me now n pursue ur studies in indonesia...cuecue sentise syg biebie...janji kamu pulang ya!!kwang3..saye mao kawen kamu!!:p


huhu..sory ma'am..i dont mean to hurt you..i dont know why..

i know what have i done is very much harsh in your view..sory maam..i'm realy sorry.n'way i really love you as the one who has guided me here ..thanks a lot.. i try to appreciate you..sorry for every single thing..

n'way you still the one who has teached me a lot on my journey to my own destination.THANKS AND SORRY!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

huhu..with our baju batek made me so proud bcoz our college has came out with the greatest outfit..kwang3...

english language camp at hosba valley.jitra..kedah..with my petpet..waahh(lambatnye post..dah bzaman)

at sk hosba..really proud to be a teacher..i'm so happy when they called me as teacher...really love cute..(beby jgn jeles tau:p)

huhu..after language games i guess..hmmm have fun with it..okla..n'way congratz to the organizer!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

special tok awak..

awak..saye mintak maaf..saye btol2 sayang awak..tapi saye sdey..saye bukan selfish..tpi saye susah nk trime knyataan kalo awak pileh tu..saye terpakse putuskan hubungan kite..mmg kite dah janji nk bina hidup bersame tpi saye x mampu berpisah ngan awak lagi..cukupla untuk skejap je..tapi saye ttp akan sayngkan awak..kalo awk nk cri org len pon saye tpakse relakan..tu impian awak tok blayar keliling dunie..awak kate saye x de hak nak suarekan pendapat saye..awak xkan dgr ckp saye sdikit pon..saye pham..saye mmg x de hak..siapela saye kat hati awak..saye bukan selfish..sbab tu sye bnarkan awk penuhi impian awk tu..duet x penting bagi saye..yg penting saye x sanggop khilangan awk..saye wat seme ni tok kebaikan seme..sye takot mak ayah saye x dpt time impian awk bnarkan awk cri impian awk..tinggalkan saye..annggapla saye hanye mimpi awk je..saye bkn terbaek tok awk..ramai lagi pompuan yg lebih baek dari saye..elang saye x kalo awk elang impian awk ti awak akn mnyesal..sye doakan awk bjaye..smoga awak selamat pegi dan selamat pulang..saye ttp akn mencintai awak..

MOCK exam!!

may 18,2009:
>i got stuck wif phrasal into trouble..haha..
>the instructions given totally crazy..
>two hours only??not enough time to check evrything..

may 19,2009:
>i hate summary..damn to summarize without giving specific line??who set the questions???dont make my life miserable..
>i chose 'the most embarassing moment in ma' life for essay..
>some of us..not finished answering question..

may 20,2009:
>literature??huhu..for first part unseen poem,the workbox by thomas hardy.
>what i understood is 'bout a woman who has an affair with a young man called John. she didn't expect that her husband know 'bout it but one day her husband keep asking for da' do she know john..she try to give many possible reasons to her husband. her husband is described as loving person as he really cares about her wife and he wonders why her wife knows about the cause of John's death..(x tau la lerw btol tak..hehe..tu pendapat gue)..
>>essay part seemed okay jah but still little bit confused..
>>for inspector!!it's hard for me

may 21,2009:
>n'way alhamdulillah what i have read have come out!!
>for section A,I chose landslide..section B, QUESTION 3 ON ENVIRONMENTAL issues and question 4 on food in the context of cultural diffusion in Malaysia.
>>but then,,i still jawab mrapu-rapu...

as conclusion, i hope i can passsssss in this exam...saye mao fly pi UK!!!



Sunday, March 22, 2009

i'm yours

Well you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
and now I'm trying to get back
Before the cool done run out
I'll be giving it my bestest
Nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some

I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours

Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love love love
Listen to the music of the moment people dance and sing
We're just one big family
And it's our God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love loved

So I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours


Well I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
My breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and laughed
I guess what I've been saying is there ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons
It's what we aim to do
Our name is our virtue

But I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find that the sky is yours

There's no need to complicate
Cause our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

Monday, March 16, 2009

thank you mum

this is an original mengarot poem from nuras..

dear mum,
today is very special day,
filled with joys and gay,
i can see your smile,
very sincere to my heart.

a chapter in life slowly closes,
from the first i met you,
till the day we are separated away,
and today we meet again,
to celebrate you on your day.

we have gone through many,
and now,
i want to say thank you,
for the turning key,
that brings me to many life's door.

your words guide me,
to the path of success,
i have been on the top,
because of you and your way.

one shiny day,
i sat close to the window,
seeing a beautiful scenery,
and the memories conquered me back.

in your classroom,
i spent my time on Shakespaere,
you once said,
Monday with Thomas Hardy!
Then suddenly i fell asleep.

i will remeber the days back,
i have you in my life,
i'm proud to say when they ask;
"yes, ma'am Kana is my mother".

dedicated to mdm Kanakambal a/p Velusamy

using 20 words..

A Busy Stadium Area

There were rows and rows of stalls near the new big unique stadium. Just like other visitors, I was busy looking and browsing at stuff at one stall before moving to other stall. The (1) live concert was going to start within three hours. I came early in the morning just to buy a ticket to see a big concert performed by my favourite talented songbird standing on the stage and came out with a dulcet melodious voice in conjunction with an opening for a large Asia Festival there. It was my right time for have some sort of (2) entertainment to (3) release stress after doing a bundle of assignments in my college.
I did not take breakfast yet but I chose not to have my breakfast in Venus Path. Some people were having theirs and sipping white hot coffee at a kopitiam called ‘Teik peng coffee house’ searching for (4) food to suit with my appetite for breakfast, however, since it was disallowed or illegal to be eaten for Muslim, I continued my way. At this time, there were a few hawkers who were setting up a few stalls selling roasted duck and pork. The (5) unpleasant smell seemed awful for me but I saw a few customers sitting there, enjoying the delicious and luxurious taste of roasted chicken and ducks. There was even some grilled pork available. I assumed it was China stall’s favourite food, judging by the number of hawkers and customers who went for the roasted ducks and pork.
There were tourists, many of them. Some admiring the decorations while others felt inconvenience and went out from the huge structured of stadium, perhaps they did not impress with what was happening there.
I didn’t tell you about the decorations yet did I? It was such a wonderful view; there were many colourful lanterns everywhere and the banners with the welcomed words, “Welcome to Asia festival”. I guessed the lanterns would be lighted up just after the opening festival was declared by the Minister of Art and Culture, Datuk Sharil Afiq. The stadium would be transformed into a fairy land like in the storybook which I read when I was nine that described fairy land with beautiful scenery just same as what I would see that day. There were also many big colorful fire crackers hanging from one beginning lamp post to the next till the end lamp post. The tourists from all over the world such as Korean, Japanese, and even American was attracted and impressed with the construction of the stadium.
Abruptly, a high pitched sound from the portable speaker announced that the Minister is going to (6) arrive in short and we had to get ready and sat according to ticket’s number. I was immediately going to my seat on the top and looked around. The view from the top place was (7) breathtaking. It was very beautiful. There were a huge group audience there, happy and talking each other, waiting for the opening ceremony to be started shortly in time.
After a few minutes, a band of musician walked (8) slowly but synchronically to the front, indicated the arrival of the minister. I could see a few peoples and the minister followed them at the back. The minister dressed (9) elegantly, made him very handsome walked in the middle of the red carpet. The band was performed an (10) exciting sound and gimmick. Everyone was standing as the symbol of respectiveness when the minister came inside. Then, the music for National anthem was being played and everybody started to sing loudly and (11) peacefully.
The (12) audience then sat on their place after the singing. While waiting for the minister to finish up his speech my eyes caught into a little boy who was sitting next to me. The boy (13) frowned when the minister delivered his speech; probably he annoyed or felt uncomfortable with the chaotic situation. Then, I adjusted my throat, to grab his attention and smiled at him too many times. Unfortunately, he did not reply me even with a small (14) smile. It was embarrassing for me.
Suddenly, I got an idea in my thinking box. I sobbed and mimed like a baby to him till little (15) tears rolled down on my cheeks. I said with a pampered voice, it was better for him to laugh before I never want to talk with him anymore. His serious expression burst into laughing later. He did tell me that he was actually forced by her single mummy to attend the festival. He is (16) unwilling to come but after her beloved young mother said there would be a huge concert of his favourite celebrity, he did come.
After talking too much with the young boy, we heard the audience (17) applaud --- the noise was fantastic. It was indicating that the minister inaugurated the opening ceremony of Asia Festival. I can hear and see the booming of the colourful fire crackers in the sky. The boy beside me jumped high to express his happiness and everyone in the stadium cheered happily and loudly. I could see a situation where a crowd of audience went down from their seats (18) clumsily to the big stage in the stadium.
Finally, my favourite celebrity, Dafina came out from the hidden back stage with an opening song. She is a very beautiful young artist. It was my first time I saw her in front. I felt like wanted to collapse seeing her smiled at me. I was the huge fan of her .Her performance had (19) superbly done. I had taken many nice photos with her, to show off to my college mates when the holiday was over.
I looked at my watch and saw it was almost evening. I had to leave fast before it was getting dark. So, I went out from the stadium and leave the crowded and busy stadium area. Of course I would be there again another time but I had to (20) ponder to come there and I hope the crowd would be lesser so that I did not get headache to be there.

realy mengarot..dont know how to use the 20 words..

Sunday, March 15, 2009


huhu...after a long time i'm going back home is really fantastic time to have a good rest at home...however,it's just a dream..yeah!!! holiday is holiday..but, i think this time will not be a holiday for me.we all TESLians got a bundle of assignmnets that lead me to very high attack since yesterday.. i dont know which work i should start first...i got headache!! least i dont have to see THE OLD IPIP for 'bout one week..really happy!!thank, i'm still searching for materials to be put in my assignmnets..k..i'm just coming back from my classmate's house..i'm attending her sister's's fun la... and i feel like want to marry also..hahaha..

Friday, March 6, 2009


dearie bie..
hehe..thanks for d sweet memories dat we had spent for 'bout these three was vry exciting moment after almost two long months we never see each other..k..tada......

Saturday, February 28, 2009

13 aspects we r the same??

1..same handphone..`sony ErIcSSon z610i-black colour' business[ plan Six business for future]
3..both are sensitive>>>suke majok la konon tempered n big head!!hakhak
5..height..almost da' same lerw
6..both can cook<<<
7..both have five siblings
8..the eldest(first child+bukti cinta mereka++)
9..went to National Service in Setiu, ganu
10..from boarding skool of same sex{boy's skool+ gal's skool} to eat kebab+ burger+ KFC
12..ENJOY DRINK..hohOhO..hOrLiCKS..n lime juice
13..lastly..both r CUTE!!wakaka..


ermm...announcement!!next week we r going to KL FOR ICE SKATING!! yahoo!! now it's time to have some sort of happiness wif a few other TESLians of IPIP at Sunway pyramid start this comin' friday till sunday.we've planned to take train from eypoh to Kuala lumpur..this will be a very nice experience for some fwens who do not hav chances to be in train before n of course first xprience for sumone who come to Kula Lumpur for the very first time[ guess who??] huhu, i'm so happy bcoz i can meet my beby there..still 6 days left.. huhu..beby, wait for cue..i'll come to you..hehe..we only can see each other for two days. ..friday n saturday..u will going back to trengganu..i've bought a silver brooch for his mom n chocolates for his four brothers at beby told me that he wanna bring me to an aquarium to see all the creatures him!! ..see you in shah alam..

Friday, February 27, 2009


Your parents are 100% responsible for taking care of you, feeding you, housing you, protecting you, and they pay all of the bills at home. So, please do tell them that you are dating that guy.

However,u hv to cnsider this: Do you think that kids at age 11 should be allowed to drive a car on the public roads with the rest of the adults?
No, me either. Driving a car is very dangerous, and it requires responsibility and good judgement.

The JPJ gets to decide how old a person must be to get a driver's license.[JPJ urgh???i'm not really sure.i just put JPJ there]Just like driving a car, dating is also an ADULT ACTIVITY. It requires responsibility and good judgement. So, your parents get to decide when you can start dating. ISN'T?[HAHA.. when i strat dating,ea???]They might ask you to hold off on the dating for a while.Just because you haven’t talked much to your parents about boys doesn’t mean you can’t talk to them about boys, or whatever other issues are concerning you. Your parents would probably like to discuss things with you… so take the initiative.

Here are some examples of both good and bad methods of communicating with your parents…Bad:"Hey… Bee, Cee, and Dee are already dating and kissing. I wanna date too!!""I'm mature enough to date!!!""Stop treating me like a baby!!!"Then stamp your feet, storm off to your room, slam the door, and pout for the rest of the day.[obviously u r so rude to ur parents,then..take a hammer n hit ur head to tight up the loosed nail in ur head]
Good:"Dad, can you tell me about how you and Mom first met? What did you do on your first date?"Hey Mom… is it OK that I’ve been out with dat guy a few times? You can meet him, and you’ll see he’s really nice."[u should practise this at home yeah!!]

Listen to your parent's input. Don't respond immediately to their comments… sit there for a few seconds and then say "Wow, that's good… thanks!"Your parents know that there are some guys out there (young and old) who will tell a nice girl that he loves her, just to see how far she will let him go with her body. Guys out there who are ready and willing to use you and your body for their own selfish pleasure... and then leave... breaking your heart in the process, and possibly leaving you pregnant... Your parents want to make sure that you are old enough and mature enough when dating to recognize these losers, and say "No"

Thursday, February 26, 2009

what they say 'bout love??

rinie: I think love may b beautiful if we channel it through the right channel....luv is abstract n can be expressed in many ways.. it depends on how we interprete the word 'love' itself..But, I think the greatest love of all is the Love towards Allah the Almighty...
FaIzA: I've been in love b4, n it's beautiful, even though i have been hurt by love. It depends, really, on what kind of love u'r experiencing. But never give up on love. I say, if u fall in love, don't b afraid n treasure it. If u may, let it blossom, but follow Syariah Islam, yarrr.
KAK LONG:love comes unexpectedly.once it comes its hard to be forgotten,thoug it may bring joy and happiness,it also causes unbeliavable pain and unimaginable sacrifices.but true love will make ppl happy and willing to make sacrifices.
faiz: you really want to know what think,are you sure u want to know,u really sure,no i dont think u want to know so just read other people's comment,well go on,get out of here
farahin:love is blind and it has a very strong ability to make people blind too!!love cannot be spread, coz it comes naturally, from eyes catches the heart..people says la..but it's true la...abe ite!!!ur sweetness catches ma eyes and part of ma heart..yet, not fully cacthes ye..once you get LOVE,it would make u awake 'bombastically' and once u lose it,u gonna die tragically!!wutever..DO NOT BE BLIND BCZ OF LOVE..remember ALLAH always be by one except HIM~
: How shud I say yeah??? ehm.. l0ve is abstract..maybe. btw, for me, when u fall in love, u cant tell anyone why u love him/her. Its juz happen! sometimes, we can't even stop it. i have once heard sum1 said that, if u love some1 u wil let him go to find his happiness(if he is not in llove you) you will believe that, if he is yours, he wil cme to you one day.,aha, i think i agree with it. well, its hard to talk about l0ve, do come n dig my heart, with that u can see the LOVE~~...hahaha
JAmIe: i'm no philosopher or no love guru... but i believe love is smtg amazing... whether its between family, frens or ppl special to us... when love happens it happens n there's really no two way about it... love should certainly be treasured n valued... there's ntg as powerful as LOVE! so feel love, be loved and spread love!! =)
XuE Lin :not comment yet

Monday, February 23, 2009

when can i get d allowance??

  • someone said it was last week
  • someone said it might be this week
  • someone said it is probably in March
  • someone said it might be on 15th march

i said..."when can i get the allowance,ha????"

huhu...i'm really in money in my hands even a coin i don't have..yillekkk!!i hav to do sumthing.i called my father just now..u know what my father said???? "why dont u tell me earlier?then, what u gonna eat?borrow money from ur fwen first then i'll post to u money n torch light[for GUA TEMPURUNG's trip]" to wait for parcel to reach here it might take two, i hv to wait n wait n wait......>>>mkn paser la i can get my allowance??HEP please take this matter into consideration..the other college already got february's allowance..some even has used all the money n just wait for march's allowance.i want money..i wanna meet my beby..almost two months i dont see my beby..really miss him..

Sunday, February 22, 2009


hurm..i feel very sleepy..u r so busy tonite.with lots of assignment..cue dont hv anyone to talk with..i've better go sleep before i mrapu rapu here..bye2 beby..

Saturday, February 21, 2009


I'm still remember till this day..last day in malacca matriculation...i got a biology lecture on that day..i can't concentrate on what the lecturer said at the front.i can;t get like..enter my right ear then penetrated into left ear straightly out..haha..then, i use that time by chatting wif ma' fwens beside..then, i told them i dont want to stay here..i wanna go to UIA.then, i msg ma' father.he just said okla..clean up everything n u'll withdraw from matrix today..tomorrow u've to attend an interview in terengganu(TESL'S interview)!!time go very fast..i didnt expect i'll withdraw that day.then, i told my beby..he's very sad..i knew from his tone of voice. he asked me to wait for her at the front of the library where there's a bench there.I'm waiting for him..yeah..he's coming..i could see his eyes..hurm..out of sudden ..tears rolling down on his was very touchful moment.i knew how much he loves me.. i wanna cry also...but..oh..bie..sory..i didnt mean~



huhu...i wake up early in this monink!!after performin' solat subuh..straight way to my laptop.what u do??ape agi?!!BLOG arr...hikhikhik..i'm so happy beby wake me up this morning..he call about 6.30 a.m...jengjengjeng..[syg..have u wake up or not?no need to go to surau??SOLAT SUBOH K..] ---->>>(K, BEBY..cue wake up k.tata..) happy..beby wake up early like MIMPI MOON pon ade..wakaka..n'way tq.bie..mwah!!

chocolate has rules???

* If you've got melted chocolate all over your hands, you're eating it too slowly.
* Chocolate covered raisins, cherries, orange slices & strawberries all count as fruit, so eat as many as you want.
* The problem: How to get 2 pounds of chocolate home from the store in a hot car.
The solution: Eat it in the parking lot.
* Diet tip: Eat a chocolate bar before each meal. It'll take the edge off your appetite and you'll eat less.
* A nice box of chocolates can provide your total daily intake of calories in one place. Isn't that handy?
* If you can't eat all your chocolate, it will keep in the freezer. But if you can't eat all your chocolate, what's wrong with you?
* If calories are an issue, store your chocolate on top of the fridge. Calories are afraid of heights, and they will jump out of the chocolate to protect themselves.
* If I eat equal amounts of dark chocolate and white chocolate, is that a balanced diet? Don't they actually counteract each other?
* Money talks. Chocolate sings.
* Chocolate has many preservatives. Preservatives make you look younger.
* Q. Why is there no such organization as Chocoholics Anonymous?
A. Because no one wants to quit.
* If not for chocolate, there would be no need for control top pantyhose. An entire garment industry would be devastated.
* Put "eat chocolate" at the top of your list of things to do today. That way, at least you'll get one thing done


Are You A TRUE Elementary School Teacher?
Let's Find Out:

1. Do you ask guests if they have remembered their scarves and mittens as they leave your home?
2. Do you move your dinner partner's glass away from the edge of the table?
3. Do you ask if anyone needs to go to the bathroom as you enter a theater with a group of friends?
4. Do you hand a tissue to anyone who sneezes?
5. Do you refer to happy hour as "snack time"?
6. Do you declare "no cuts" when a shopper squeezes ahead of you in a checkout line?
7. Do you say "I like the way you did that" to the mechanic who repairs your car nice?
8. Do you ask "Are you sure you did your best?" to the mechanic who fails to repair your car to your satisfaction?
9. Do you sing the "Alphabet Song" to yourself as you look up a number in the phone book?
10. Do you say everything twice? I mean, do you repeat everything?
11. Do you fold your spouse's fingers over the coins as you hand him/her the money at a tollbooth?
12. Do you ask a quiet person at a party if he has something to share with the group?
* If you answered yes to 4 or more, it's in your soul -- you are hooked on teaching. And if you're not a teacher, you missed your calling.
* If you answered yes to 8 or more, well, maybe it's *too much* in your soul -- you should probably begin thinking about retirement.
* If you answered yes to all 12, forget it -- you'll *always* be a teacher, retired or not!

Friday, February 20, 2009

FISHING COMP---->>, my college...IPIP held a fishing competition at "kolam bucuk' near to blok J [MY bLOCK..HEHE]...R U trying to promote ur block??????well..forget it!! was organised by ...i mean the competition.. badan Dakwah n Kerohanian with the co-operation from JPP was exciting comp n of course...well received especially among boy's group..But...THERE IS but...HAHA.. we still got a few participants from gals..okei la tu..gals at least can hold the fishing rod(made from dahan pokok) even some of them didnt get any fish pown..hakhakahak..your have to burn your 3 dollars's long as everybody got the nice experience..Memancing tp x dpt ekan..huhu..Try AgAin NeXt TimE k..there r food stalls>>>>french fries,drinks..nassi lemak..many students come to see how the fish suffers a lot after being tricked by umpan..haha..cian2..ekan o ekan ...nk ke mane tu ekan...marilerw datang sinie..end~

++Nasi...lemak kopi "o"++

  • it was a tiring day.
  • i have to sell 'nasi lemak' for TESL's group.
  • we make jualan pintu ke pintu..serious was very horrible.our nasi lemak still left about 30 boxes.
  • hmm..very dissappointed with a few PEOPLE when i'm asking them to help me in selling nasi lemak.they didn't want to give a full like they r not one part of us..please do help your club, ur society..ur group or whatsoever!...this is for ours,not others....huhu..dont get mad or belasah or kick me k...just to remind everybody n me too..
  • love TESL k..
  • WHO gonna eat them>>>>30 boxes??
  • aLAMAK!!!!!!
  • oh,no i have bought two boxes.lots of fat..nope!i can't eat anymore!!
  • ACTUALLY, this is our first day of selling nasilemak..ok la..almost all laku RIGHT?
  • caiyok!!caiyok!!

cute boyfriend quote!!

"When I saw you I was afraid to meet you. When I met you I was afraid to kiss you. When I kissed you I was afraid to love you. Now that I love you, I am afraid to lose you."

"My boyfriend used to ask his mother,” How can I find the right women for me? And she would answer, don’t worry about finding the right women –concentrate on becoming the right man."

"Love - a wildly misunderstood although highly desirable malfunction of the heart which weakens the brain, causes eyes to sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood pressure to rise and the lips to pucker."

"Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs. Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers eyes. Being vexed, a sea nourished with lovers tears. What is it else? A madness most discreet, a choking gall and a preserving sweet."


"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are.
Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two.- Captain Corelli's Mandolin. "

Love is the beauty of the soul." --St. Augustine
love is unconditional promise between two hearts---Ms. Nuras


haha..My FiRst BlOg AftER aLL..wHaT sHoULd I wRItE!!hAHA..SAY 'hI' tO eVerybOdY..dO YoU aNy IdE oR topIC? aDeyh..BiE!! pLeASe HELp mE..tHIs iS ouR BloG..buT i Don'T Noe WAt TO wRiTe HerE..


orientation week..wearing baju batek yea bie..your hairstyle nicela..spiky!!